Hello and thank you All for reading this blog post. The Anniversary is not yet ready to order, but I want to say a warm hello to it’s potential readers.
It feels like the calm before the storm. When I forward think to when the book will be ready to order, I experience, at the very least, three intense feelings all at once. #1 Fear. #2 Relief. # 3 Excitement. Admittedly I am proud for completing this project. Of course this is my nature, if I start something, things have to be pretty bad before I quit. The protagonist Maggie, would not let me go. No that’s not fair to Maggie, it is I who could not let her go, bless her heart.
Giving my head a shake at the amount of technology I’ve embarked upon and have yet to learn, like writing a blog post on a website. May sound simple to some and one day, hopefully, it will to me, but for now, it’s note worthy. Gathering supportive people around me has been essential, some I pay – and some I don’t such as my family, my partner Rene, and so many wonderful encouraging, creative, loving friends. My book would not be published without the guidance and friendship of Karen Harmon, an award winning author, check her out – https://karenharmonauthor.com/
Hopefully next time I post, my first book The Anniversary will be in print and orderable. GULP!!
5 Replies to “Leap”
I am so excited to see all your efforts coming to fruition, it’s been a long journey and am happy to have been along for part of your journey.
Thank you Rene, you’ve been wonderful support for me. I’m grateful to have to you in my life.
Oh my goodness, you mentioned me. Thankyou. How sweet, kind and dear you! I thank my lucky stars the day we met! I am so glad our paths have aligned! I’m excited to dive into your book and read more blogs!
Wouldn’t be here without you Karen, that’s for sure. You gently took me by the hand and pointed me in the direction I needed to go. Yes, the stars aligned the day we met. Can’t wait for your next book!
Congratulations! Proud of you!