About the Author

Sarah Stirling
With her parents and two sisters, Sarah Stirling moved from Halifax Nova Scotia to North Vancouver British Columbia at the age of fourteen. While attending elementary school, high school and eventually nursing school, Sarah continued to write stories as a means to self-express and create.
During an eighteen year nursing career and raising two children with her husband, Sarah studied Metaphysics which lead her to work with those challenged with chronic pain.
Sarah began writing The Anniversary in the late 90s but abandoned it with the busyness of life and the decision to further her education. After completing the Counselling Skills program at Vancouver Community College (VCC) she earned an MA in Interdisciplinary Studies and began a teaching career at VCC until retirement in 2023.
All the while, The Anniversary spoke to her, “finish the book.” Due to life’s experiences, Sarah believes The Anniversary is richer for the wait.
Along with being a happy author, Sarah is a Certified Fitness Leader with the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA,) with a focus on exercise and Mental Well-Being.